Saturday, August 31, 2019

Macbeth Critical Approach Essay

The tragic story of Macbeth is a tale of a man, who spirals into a deep, dark, depressing life attempting to escape his unhappy, mundane, unsatisfied existence. All of this would not be possible without the assistance of three wicked witches. These witches serve as a catalyst for the evil brought out of Macbeth, which becomes amplified by his own heinous actions. While Macbeth is cold hearted and dark minded his intentions were not awakened till he encountered the witches who changed his coarse of history. †Stay, you imperfect speakers. Tell me more. By Sinel’s death I know I am Thane of Glamis but how of Cawdor?† After the witches tell him he is destined to be king, Macbeth becomes interested. He fell for evils trap and now hopelessly tumbles down the rabbit hole. Macbeth knows what he is destined to be but Duncan stands in his way. This leads Macbeth to the first step of his corruption, through his sinister thoughts he realizes he is descending into darkness. â€Å"Stars, hide your fires! Let not light see my black and deep desires† Fearing he will be discovered for his true self, he pleas to the stars so that they may dim their lights. This fear is what drives him further into madness and deeper into his own despair. Macbeth has destroyed everything that has mattered to him, his best friend, his king, his wife, and his relationship with his people. He has ruined so much that it becomes clear to him that he was much happier in his previous status. â€Å"For mine own good, all causes shall give way. I am in blood stepp’d in so far that, should I wade no more, returning were as the tedious as go o’er† By comparing his own actions to a river of blood he hints to the fact that once a man kills for his own single benefit, there is no going back. He has gone too far and would be nearly impossible to undo what has been done and seems too tough to live with.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Development Of Appraisal And Reward System

Reward system is an instilled component of the personality of every man; he is a tripartite being with a spirit living in a body, and a soul. He thinks, feels, decides and acts. These are the elements of human interaction either at home or in any other organization. This system has long been proven by brain biologist and psychologists to be of paramount use in the development of a responsible and effective. This is further confirmed by the nature of outputs produced by organizations that have harnessed this for industrial use [Wilson, 2003].The recognition of intuitive input to the productivity of an organization, and the subsequent reward of such has indeed advanced the course of man at all levels of human administration. Really, its importance can not be overemphasized in this age of competitive business market. There are specific and pragmatic ways of establishing this amiable system into the company’s mainstream activity; this is the main focus of this article. IMPORTANCE OF APPRAISAL AND AWARD SYSTEM This is a ‘global age’; an age where the large world is shirked into a small global village.Innovations are emerging daily. Alls spheres of human endeavor are advancing at millennial speed. In this age, there is intense search for talents and skills that can maintain such developments or excellence, and also even work on them to produce better. This has created keen competition in the labor market, and every company knows the value of its high-output workers, and would never want to loose them. It is this that has made performance and character based appraisal and reward system more important to the survival of any enterprise than ever before in the history of man.Every one wants the best. The search for the best leaves no space for inefficiency, as the best must be delivered by employees. Companies have also inculcated diversity into their mission statement to accommodate enough space for this search for the best, and retaining those who h ave also proven to be of optimum impact to the activities of the organization. The concept of diversity has thrown appraisal and reward into a bigger landscape for employees ready to give their best to their chosen area of influence at work.In this case, the impact of encouraging an effort geared in this direction is of utmost importance and can not be overlooked. Leading organization in any known industry, and even new inclusions understand the place of recognizing and awarding ingenuity by company employees targeted at improving customer patronage or better service delivery. Great managers and leaders do acknowledge that humans can deliver beyond their present status if only they are encouraged by a credible means. A child who receives encouragement at home from his parents usually performs better that one that does not enjoy such privilege.It is an inherent need of man, that his potential can be better harnessed with tangibly significant appreciation. In the presence of a credibl e and fair reward system, employees have a basic encouragement to deliver their best to the Company, in their capacity. They can afford to stretch themselves with their elastic limit to meet deadlines, increase effectiveness and productivity, deliver more efficient and customer-friendly service because there would be a reward for their labor. This leads to increased productivity for the Company.This productivity is relative to the Company product. Even religious organizations understand this as they promise more blessings for obedient servants. This system, if properly put in place, heightens sense of responsibility of the employee and creates a ‘working bond’ that may not be easy to break. With a fair plan, there is increased interest in Company acts, mission, plans and goals. This created a better working environment for them, and there is increased trust and more fruitful human relationships in the Company. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SYSTEMA system that recognizes human inpu ts and quality ideas directed at optimal productivity, improved working environment and human relations, confidence and profitability of a company, and significantly rewards such via credible and fair techniques is referred to as an appraisal and reward system; its effectiveness is enhanced as all participants, employees and managers, understand its purpose and are poised to make useful contribution towards achieving the set goals. A good plan is based on a combination of performance and character [John Bill].Its development involves steps outlined below: DEFINITION OF PURPOSE It is important to start with a well-defined purpose. Purpose of the system is clearly outlined from the outset. This is seen to be consistent with the Mission statement of the Company in writing and principle; it is communicated to employees and is also broken into smaller units called Goals. It is in bringing such purpose down into those achievable units that they show pragmatism and spur workers to work[ Ga llup]. COMPANY INTERACTIONS/COMMUNICATIONThis involves a forum through which such system is communicated to participants in clear and understandable terms. Suggestions and quality ideas are welcomed on the plan and execution of the plan. This also affords an opportunity to for skill acquisition and training geared at achieving the Purpose. Really, this is inevitable to the survival of the program Communication should not be a once-and-for-all thing; it need be continuous. In this way and at any point in the course of organization’s work, there is a location, personality or unit constantly refreshing people’s mind about the program.This keeps the spirit alive. GOALS This should be SMART: Stipulated and Stimulating, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound. With effective communication, employees understand and can work toward them. With those criteria, goals are closer to the heart and easier to handle at work. It is important to combine an insightful technique in drawing such goals; this is easier when everybody- all participants are part of the decision making. IMPLEMENTATION STRUCTURE This is the most important of all.If purpose is then and goals are made with effective communication and there is no CREDIBLE AND FAIR structure to implement the plans, then the result can be easily guessed: there would be result at all. Therefore, it is important for the structure to be credible and fair in such a way that the criteria for adjudging performance is well-stipulated and combine quantitative and qualitative means. No element of subjectivity should be seen because this is the major worry of employees. If there is no open and transparent objectivity in the implementation, the program would fail.This structure is vital to the success of the program; it could be created as another committee entirely or a unit per session [ups] that would oversee the activities of workers at different levels. It would also be interested in accurately informing uni t members about the nature, category and content of reward. This would remove the excuse of inaccurate information and promote trust in the system. CATEGORISATION It is important for a categorization of the Purpose and goals into specific ‘committee’ or section where people of different work experience and exposure status can accurately fit in.This is to ensure that there is space for everyone, and a chance to be recognized as diligent. No one should be left out. Company products can also be categorized, with respectively competent employee. This is to ensure equal distribution of work based on talent, skills, and company’s expectation. REWARDS There should be a stated method of rewards and it should be both significant and tangible. Announcement is not enough reward. Such tools that can be employed include by compensation, awards or increase in base line salary.The latter is widely appraised, and is best effective when the incentive is about 25% of the baseline pay. Such should also be done with a short period of time. REVIEW It is important to review the activities of program, it impact on the organization and its vivid dividends at regular intervals. This would sustain and strength awareness of and confidence in the program. CONCLUSION All companies need a n appraisal and reward system, as ways of maximizing their workers input. This system affects all aspects of an organization.It is inevitable in this global and highly competitive age. Such can be established with defined purpose broken into goals, communicated to all participants under a credible and fair structure which is regularly reviewed for productivity. Gold companies retain best workers, and attract others by such means. It is no loss to any business at all. BIBILIOGRAPHY Wilson, Thomas. Innovative Reward systems for the changing workplace John, Bill: Reward and Appraisal. http://www. accaglobal. com/students/study_exams/qualifications/acca_choose/acca/fundamentals/ab/technica l_articles/2944835Performance Based Reward system Accessed from www. performance-appraisal. com/rewards. htm Performance Reward and Compensation. Accessed from http://www. gallupconsulting. com/content/? ci=58 Performance and Reward Accessed from Peter Scott www. peterscottconsult. co. uk/briefings/yourpartnerrewardsystem. doc Effective performance appraisal system. Accessed from www. allacademic. com/meta/p154789_index. html Effective Employee development Program http://www. maritz. com/employee_recognition_awards. html

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Apple Inc. Health and Safety Measures Research Paper

Apple Inc. Health and Safety Measures - Research Paper Example The company is not free of controversies as it has been criticized for its business practices, labor, practices and its own environmental practices, some of them revealing horrific experiences. Particularly, where touch screens are produced, campaigners reveal horrific injuries that say they suffered due to being exposed to deplorable working conditions in factories which are said to have led to some of the staff committing suicide in the last two years. Protests have been seen in areas such as outside a flagship store in Hong Kong as pictures have allegedly shown injuries suffered under terrible conditions as well in Hezhou, China. Recent complaints and campaign by SATCOM add on the many complaints that have been aired in relation to the ill-treatment of employees in the apple Smartphone producing companies in china. One of the assertions of SATCOM is that the employees are forced to work for long hours; 11 hours a day, seven days a week and with just a 24hour break at the end of th e month. The SATCOM activists assert that the factories making Apple iPads and iPhones in China resulted to asking employees to sign pledges not to commit suicide, (Keize, 2013). This was attributed to 14 workers committing suicide 16months after employment on the basis of poor working conditions and inhumane treatment in the factories.... ent in the factories (Daily Mail Reporter, 2013) In addition, interviews with 170 workers and supervisors in several Foxconn factories in Shenzen and Zhengshou show that punishments are the primary management tools in the factories as SACOM (Students and Scholars against Corporate Misbehavior) says the workers had often been told to clean toilets, sweep lawns and confessions pinned on the notice boards or red out to colleagues, The Foxconn campus dormitories retain their pathetic living conditions with 20-39 workers sharing three bedroom flats; sleeping eight in a room in bunk beds. The workers are also not allowed to use electric items such as kettles or laptops and as well not allowed to sit when working as standing is ascertained as a means to keep them nimble enough to do their work effectively and for long, as reported by The Guardian, (2012). Other complaints in the media concerning the employee and Apple products users’ welfare include a recent story in the newspapers c oncerning an attempt by Apple to replace chargers in UK after iPhone injuries were reported on the use of the chargers. This followed after massive reports of people serious injured from faulty phone chargers; the chargers were said to have exploded on the users’ face as they connected them for charging. For example, the report from china asserts that a woman suffered eye injuries after her iPhone exploded on her face while talking on the phone. This is an indication that Apple has been providing faulty products to consumers and are thus in a hurry to fix the problem by replacing the faulty chargers (Apple Inc. 2013). Another related issue is the resend lawsuit by a woman on Apple on the assertion that her iPhone exploded on her face. This occurred while lying on her bed with the iPhone beside

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Organisational Behaviour - Essay Example Thus, workers are bonded through cooperation and communication. To illustrate, when an inexperienced person joins a team, there is enough communication to make the new member aware about his or her role in the team. Moreover, in case of doubts, the new members do not hesitate to ask the more experienced and creative ones and the experienced ones share their knowledge with the new ones. Thus, new workers easily and effectively adapt to the work environment. The second point is that teamwork improves the self esteem of the team members. This happens so because in a team, each team member feels important and needed. This sense of importance is created because each member realises that he or she has a valuable role to play in the team. When this sense of belonging grows, each member feels that he or she has the chance to explore and exhibit potential and talent. Thus, teamwork has an important role in fostering creativity of individual. Another important aspect is that teamwork enhances personal responsibility. In other words, in a team, each member has a very clearly defined role to play. Thus, each member realises the fact that their own failure in playing their role will have an impact on achieving the team’s goal. ... However, there are certain disadvantages as well. To illustrate, not all people love teamwork. There are some go-getters who are happy working alone. For them, the work in a team is like a hindrance as they are not capable of performing to their fullest as they feel hindered by the less capable ones. For these people, working independently is more productive. In addition, there is the problem of conflict among members. For example, though some teams function harmoniously, some teams are prone to conflicts. As it is difficult to identify when conflicts will develop, it is difficult to avoid their development. When conflicts and power struggles arise, the employees suffer from stress, and as a result, their productivity goes down. 5. The belief that individual personality has nothing to do with behavior at work is baseless. In fact, personality will seriously affect the way people deal with various situations at work. In order to understand the role of personality, it is useful to use the Big Five Model or the five factor model. According to the model, there are five major trait categories. The first among them is openness to experience. In this category, one extreme is highly interested in, and optimistic about, new experiences and changes. Admittedly, such people will welcome taking up responsibilities and roles. When there are issues like organisational change, such people are less likely to suffer from stress. On the other hand, the other extreme is totally hostile to new experiences and they remain closed minded and rigid towards new experiences. Such people are highly likely to oppose any changes in the organisation and are less motivated to take up challenging roles. Another category is conscientiousness. It is claimed that high degree of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Management Information Systems Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Management Information Systems - Assignment Example At the present, almost ten lawyers are working in this firm. Basically, the Law Company has been using a traditional approach to run and manage its business-related activities due to which it has been undergoing a wide variety of problems and issues. Some of these issues are outlined below: In order to deal with the above-mentioned issues, the Law Company should implement an effective management information system, because â€Å"a management information system is the hardware and software systems within an enterprise that provide the information that management needs to run an enterprise† (Rouse, 2014).  The implementation of a management information system will provide a large number of benefits to the Law Company. Some of the major benefits of this implementation are outlined below: Improved security (only authorized users with a proper user ID and password will be able to access the information that they want to access and this ID will decide whether they are allowed to access a particular information or not). At the present, a large number of ready-made management information systems are available for supporting every function of a business. For instance, SAP offers a wide variety of systems for different departments such as accounting, human resource management and so on. But these systems are useful when the size of a company is huge because the implementation of these systems is more costly than the customized solution. In addition, they also charge a license fee on the monthly or yearly basis. I will suggest the implementation of a SQL database, which can be linked with a user interface developed in Dot Net Technology. The implementation of this system will be less expensive as compared to a ready-made system. The system will be used to manage all kinds of data that relate to the Law Company. Basically, this system will be developed by collecting all the requirements from all the stakeholders.  

Monday, August 26, 2019

The launch of a new ice cream dessert Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The launch of a new ice cream dessert - Essay Example Consumers have great amount of information access power. As the demographics has been continuously changing worldwide, needs and preferences has been changing. In any part of the globe it’s the consumers demographics and culture plays an all-important role in shaping any marketing strategy. For the product like Ice cream consumers’ age as well as eating culture always plays a major role to decide preference and needs. In general, today’s youth particularly interested in technology and gathering information in emerging economy, is more aware of its environment and changes that is taking place globally. Young are more technology friendly and connected through Internet, TV and other communication gadgets. They are more information oriented. Today’s youth is more assertive and they have specific preference and needs as well as they are more influential in shaping others buying behaviours to buy almost anything. Children age 2 to 14 indirectly influence as esti mated $300 billion in annual household purchase (Mc Neal, 1998, pp 37-41). Reaching and influencing the young segment is ever more challenging. Consumption patterns are shifting from mass media towards micro media for the masses. Savvy media empowered consumers often under age of 25, are being influence by trends from all over the globe. So children and youth represent an important demographic market because they are potential customers, they influence purchases made by parents and households and they constitute the future adult market (Mc Neal, 1998). Marketers segment target audiences by age to build brand awareness and brand loyalty early in life that will be sustained into adulthood. Child and young consumer role in one of the important aspects to be studied before marketing for the products like Ice cream. Children’s consumers’ socialization and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Business Management Tasks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Business Management Tasks - Essay Example This discussion highlights that  at the top of the structure is the CEO/President who oversees all the operations of the company he is at the top of the pyramid in decision making process. Company’s departments are categorized into either support or operations. Support include: human resources, finance, marketing, and property. Operation includes the other parts of the business.   At Pizza Hut every division plays a different function making it easier for the CEO to determine whether or not the divisions are performing as per required. This is a kind of structure that encourages specialization as each division consists of employees who have the required skills, experience, and character that are required for the function that the division serves.As the report stresses  the company is divided into departments each headed by a director. Every department has a specific function that is expected to perform a specific function the departments that are present in Pizza Hut are : marketing, human resource management, public relations, procurement, operations. This kind of organizational structure can be referred to as composite organizational structure because it is a blend of a hierarchical organizational structure and divisional organization structure. Despite the fact that the organization has various departments performing different functions there are divisions within the department with the leader of each subdivision reporting to the head of department.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

New teacher induction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

New teacher induction - Essay Example A mentor is useful in guiding the teacher through the various problems that the new teacher may face (Collins, 2008). An instructional coach is instrumental in ensuring that the correct procedures are kept in covering the curriculum. The induction process helps the teacher understand and know how to deal with the various students who come from diverse backgrounds. A teacher will also be better placed to deal with students who have difficulties in class and also maximize on the different talents of the various students (Collins, 2008). An important issue to consider is that teachers need to connect with the students so that they can achieve more. The induction process also needs to be reviewed from time to time to ensure that the correct practices are used in the induction of teacher. What works on the program should be further improved while what does not work should be corrected as well. In this standard the administration describes the responsibilities for the teacher and guide them through the written and vision that promotes and supports the ability of the teacher to the continuous development of the region and describes the policies of the school. At this point, the new teacher gets to learn the rules of the school such as the time that they are meant to report to school and time they are meant to eave, the timetable of the school, the values and the culture of the school and how they are meant to conduct themselves especially in regards to how they relate to the students (Collins, 2008). This area could also include issues of pay and if there are any bonuses or any medical support that he teacher is entitled to when they are teaching at the school. This stander seeks professional improvement the teachers that include classroom management techniques and motivating students. Moreover, it lets the teacher to know more about how to communicate and work with diverse students. Students are usually from very

Friday, August 23, 2019

Establish credibility in desired career path in criminal justice Essay

Establish credibility in desired career path in criminal justice - Essay Example Because their duties and responsibilities require them to uphold the law, police officers have their work defined and described by rather high standards of integrity. It is therefore imperative that police officers, just like the other professionals in criminal justice system, be on the look out for any issues that may jeopardize their credibility. Several factors have been cited to compromise the credibility of police officers during the execution of their duties. First, failure by police officers to recognize and respect the dignity and values of every individual and group in the community could compromise the integrity of police officers. Second, courtesy is the also important in the execution of police duties as it not only encourages understanding and cooperation but it also makes the police force trustworthy. To achieve high standards of courtesy, police officers must bring violent or assaultive people under control and protect other officers and the public from imminent harm. In other terms, police officers must only apply reasonable force to bring criminal incidents or disorders under control (Gottschalk, 2010). Poor public information dissemination and reporting has also been mentioned as a possible compromise to the credibility of police officers. To avoid this drawback on credibility, police officers should prepare public reports and statistics on incidents such as shootings, seizures, arrests, complaints, investigations and departmental recommendations (Davidson & Gottschalk, 2012). The provision of periodic feedback on the performance, practices, and behaviors of law enforcement agencies and personnel is thus one way of establishing integrity and credibility. Importantly, information on police procedures and policies on issues such as non-discrimination, community policing, recruitment and investigation should be disseminated to

The Nature poetry of Robert Frost Research Proposal

The Nature poetry of Robert Frost - Research Proposal Example Robert Frost, in his poem, â€Å"Fire and Ice† mentions two opposite and contradictory imageries, fire and ice, both of which indicate the end of the world and therefore the end of life. The poem talks about the end of the world and the poet wonders what the source of this end could be. The two opening lines of the poem sum up the thoughts of the poem – â€Å"Some say the world will end in fire/Some say in ice† (Frost) Just like fire and ice are opposite elements in terms of the impact and sensation they produce, so are the consequences in the two cases. While fire signifies desire, lust and excessive passion, which might lead to destruction, ice signifies coldness, hatred and rigidity. While fire moves fast and spread in an instant, ice is slow and steady in its action. Both can destroy life and livelihood. Thinking from a literal perspective, fire might strike a forest and destroy the habitation. Also, ice can cover an entire area and thus destroy all forms of life that reside there. Passion, like fire can spread fast and works with high speed such that it may consume a person and destroy quickly. Instance of love and obsession leading to destruction and death of an individual are quite common. The concept of ice can be referred to the occurrence of the cold war. Ice signifies less or no expression and rigidity. This is even more dangerous because this coldness can eat into a person’s life and destroy slowly but steadily just like it worked during the cold war. While the Soviet block has its beliefs embedded in communism, the NATO nations had faith in capitalism and individuality. Thus Europe did not remain an integrated whole anymore. Just like ice might freeze into a crack and widen the fissure, thus leading to a split, Europe also met similar fate and became fragmented. (Davidson) If we think about fire, we find it at work during the early years of work and also

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Freud vs. Jung Theories Essay Example for Free

Freud vs. Jung Theories Essay Some debate over who is right over Freud and Jung’s theories are questionable. Freud’s theory believed our consciousness is a thin slice of the total mind and describes it in an imagine of an iceberg. Believed that our unconscious mind holds all of our experiences, memories, and repressed materials. Our unconscious motives often competed with our conscious and create internal conflict which is in neurotic symptoms (anxiety and depression). Also Freud believed personality consisted of three systems: The Id, Ego, and Superego. The Id contains a humans basic, instinctual drives including bodily needs, wants, desires, and impulses, particularly our sexual and aggressive drives. The ego comprises the organized part of the personality structure that includes defensive, perceptual, intellectual-cognitive, and executive functions. Lastly, the super-ego is the judicial branch of a persons personality and includes a persons moral code, the main concern being whether an action is good or bad. Sadly, these three aspects of personality also conflict resulting in neurotic behaviour. Carl Jung’s theory divides the psyche into three parts. The first is the ego, which he identifies with the conscious mind. Next is the personal unconscious, which includes anything which is not presently conscious, but could be. Lastly the personal unconscious is like most people’s understanding of the unconscious in that it includes both memories that are easily brought to mind and those that have been suppressed for any reason. There are some experiences that show the effects of the collective unconscious more clearly than others. An example would be the near-death experience. They speak of leaving their bodies, seeing their bodies and the events surrounding them clearly, of being pulled through a long tunnel towards a bright light, of seeing old relatives or religious figures waiting for them, and disappointed having to leave this happy scene to return to their bodies and return to reality. Some terms Jung created was Archetypes, which is naturally born instincts that we may have been presented by our long gone ancestors. Overall, Freud felt that sex was the single most important force that shaped and guided personality. Believed that your childhood greatly influenced your personality. Jung believed that both the future and the past are important in influencing ones personality. I greatly agree with Jung because not just only a specific time period could change your personality, your whole time period of experiencing everything  shapes yourself. Jung argued that the unconscious could also be a source of creativity rather than Freud’s idea. Jung was onto something with his idea of a collective unconscious, while we cannot define, analyze or see it, there is some thread in the world that somehow connects us all. As people we all have similar feelings, regardless of your cultural upbringing or where in the world you live, there is a commonality among us, that Jung’s theory of unconscious can help explain. According to my theory, the flow of knowledge into the collective unconscious stops at a person’s death. This addition is needed to balance the knowledge base of collective, otherwise if the flow of information did not stop at death, our collective unconscious would be able to answer some of our biggest questions such as â€Å"Is there an afterlife? †. Jung’s diagram I agree with greatly, describing which goes where in my perspective. My thoughts are closely related to Jung’s rather than Freud’s theory.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

How Number System Is Used In IT

How Number System Is Used In IT In this documentation I have discussed of how the application of number system is used in IT applications in both hardware and applications, operating system and in programming language. I have discussed about the use of base 2 in the 8 bit bytes form use with the operation for subnet. The use of hexadecimal form addressing memory and classless inter Domain Routing. There are number of different numbering system which is in use for the unique ability to represent different numbers. Binary, Octal, Denary and Hexadecimal are number systems that are used in different aspects Denary number is the most commonly used number system which is frequently used in daily life. Nevertheless each number system has associated benefits which are the reason that different number systems are used in different areas. Each of the number system has a fix number of representation of numbers which are used to represent the numbers like, say for example Binary numbers are represented by either one or zero, Octal numbers are represented by numbers from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 whereas Denary and Hexadecimal numbers are represented by the number of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0, 1,2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, respectively. Binary Numbers Binary numbers are mostly used when there are only two options available so if one is false then the other is true. Examples of binary system can be their usage to represent bits in a computer which can have only 0 or 1 value a switch in a electric circuit which can be either on (1) or off (0). Binary system is widely used to represent situations in everyday normal life as well for example for electronic gates in electricity circuits, false or true statements can also be displaced in terms of binary digits where 0 represents false and 1 represents true states. Denary Numbers Denary numbers are frequently used in everyday life in accounting, calendar systems, financial systems or daily routine counting. The main benefits of Denary number system is that they are easier to use as compared to other number systems and have more number to present different situations though Hexadecimal number system has more representations but that representation can include characters in them as well which makes them more difficult to understand and use as compare to denary system. Denary number systems are so frequently used that a person even do not need to have a formal education to know or use them. One of the reasons can be that it is frequently use in daily life accounting. Other number systems are used in more specified fields such as computing and hence would need to be learned. Octal Numbers Octal numbers are not that commonly used as compared to other numbers and are mostly used in computing graphics, text and famous operating system such as UNIX also uses octal numbers for their file protection system. Octal numbers have total of 8 unique representations which can be combined together to make more octal number representations. Octal numbers are difficult to understand for a normal person who has limited number of understanding about the number system. As after 7 different numbers are used to represent numbers from 7 onwards and hence they seem physically bit difficult to comprehend. The number system needs to use a subscript of 8 with is number to represented they are not Denary but octal number otherwise confusion can easily occurred. Hexadecimal Number System Hexadecimal number are used where there are more options which needs to be represented off and are mostly commonly used in computing to represent different memory locations. Since binary, octal and hexadecimal have representations which are powers of 2 (power of 0 in binary, 3 in octal and 4 in hexadecimal) hence that makes them more suitable to different situations, which require different number representations. They are positively contributing to the daily life and to the technology and logical world as well and needs to be understood properly if one needs to take advantage of such technology. Whilst the above gives uses of the binary, octal and hex number systems in different areas of IT and while some example are given the manager encourages you to research a wide range of examples for him to look at. Binary Number System used in ASCII table and IP Address Binary number system are also used in the ASCII table to represent different codes for different characters which then can be used into computing as well. ASCII number is more like a combination of binary numbers. Binary numbers are also used in IP addressing system again which is a combination of Binary number and are used in computing field. These IP addresses are of two different versions now one is known as IP 4 and other one is known as IP 6. These IP addresses are further sub divided into different classes such as class A, B and C where each class has a different number of hosts and network address. The ASCII character set, each binary value between 0 and 127 is given a specific character. Most computers extend the ASCII characters set to use the full range of 256 characters available in a byte. The upper 128 characters handle special things like accented characters from common foreign languages. In ASCII character set, each character is represented by 7 bits when stored in the computer and in an extended ASCII character set, each character is represented by 8 bits. Say for example: ASCII 0000000 represents NULL Similar the word HELLO if converted into binary using the ASCII to binary conversation could be represented as follows. 01001000 01000101 01001100 01001100 01001111(in decimal 72 69 76 79) Please refer an ASCII character table for further understanding of this conversion. ASCII Binary Conversation Octal numbering system for file protection in UNIX Every file or folder in UNIX has access permission. There are three types of permissions (what allowed to do with a file): Read Access Write Access Execute Access Permissions are defined for three types of users: The owner of the file The group that the owner belongs to Other users Thus, UNIX file permission are nine bits of information (3 types x 3 type of users), each of them may have just one of two values: allowed or denied. Simply put, for each file it can be specified who can read or write from/to the file. For programs or scripts it also can be set if they are allowed to be executed. Textual representation like -rwxr-r- It is used in UNIX long directory listings. It consists of 10 characters. The first character shows the file type. Next 9 characters are permissions, consisting of three groups: owner, groups, others. Each group consists of three symbols: rwx (in this order), if some permission is denied, then a dash -is used instead. For example -rrwxrr- 0123456789 Symbol in the position 0 (-) is the type of the file. It is either d if the item is a directory or l if it is a link, or - if the item is a regular file. Symbols in positions 1 to 3 (rwx) are permissions for the owner of the file. Symbols in positions 4 to 6 (r) are permissions for the group. Symbols in positions 7 to 9 (r) are permissions for others. r Read access is allowed w Write access is allowed x Execute access is allowed Replaces r, w or x if according access type is denied Numeric (octal) representation like 664 If a numeric representation is used (like in chmod-command, for example), then it is in the octal format (with the base of 8), and digits involved are 0 to 7. Octal format is used for the simplicity of understanding: every octal digit combines read, write and execute permissions together. Respective access rights for owner group and others (in this order) are the last three digits of the numeric file permissions representation. Example: 0644. Here the second digit (6 in the example) stands for rights of the owner, the third digit (4 in the example) stands for rights of the group, the fourth digit (4 in the example) stands for rights of others. The below tales show what numeric values mean: Octal digit Text equivalent Binary value Meaning 0 000 All types of access are denied 1 x 001 Execute access is allowed only 2 -w- 010 Write access is allowed only 3 -wx 011 Write and execute access are allowed 4 r 100 Read access is allowed only 5 r-x 101 Read and execute access are allowed 6 rw- 110 Read and write access are allowed 7 rwx 111 Everything is allowed According to the above table we can see that 1 stands for execute only, 2 stands for write only, 4stands for read only. To combine the permission you can simply add 1, 2 and 4 to get a needed combination. For instance, to get read and write permission, you add 4 (read) and 2 (write), thus getting 6 (read and write). To get read and execute permissions, you add 4 (read) and 1 (execute), this getting 5 (read and execute). Example: 755 on a file would mean rwx r-x r-w permission on the file. Simply convert the octal number to the binary equivalent and enable the permission where the bits are 1. 755 would mean 111 101 101 In addition there is one more octet representing the Set user ID, set group ID, sticky bit which works in a similar way. Octal digit Binary value Meaning 0 000 setuid, setgid, sticky bits are cleared 1 001 sticky bit is set 2 010 setgid bit is set 3 011 setgid and sticky bits are set 4 100 setuid bit is set 5 101 setuid and sticky bits are set 6 110 setuid and setgid bits are set 7 111 setuid, setgid, sticky bits are set Explain the use of binary in IP addressing for both V4 and V6? Use of binary in IP addressing for V4: Each IP in a V4 IP addressing consists of 32 bits. These 32 bits are divided into 4 octets of 8 bits each. An IP address is represented like this: A computer can understand only binary values and therefore each IP is stored in binary. Each octet is represented as follows. For example if the value of the first octet is 128, it would be represented as follows: 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Therefore an IP would be stored as follows: 10000000 10000000 10000000 10000000 Use of binary in IP addressing for V6: While IPv4 allows 32 bits for an Internet Protocol address, and can therefore support 232 (4,294,967,296) addresses, IPv6 uses 128-bit addresses, so the new address space supports 2128(3.4 x 1038) addresses. This expansion allows for many more devices and user on the internet as well as extra flexibility in allocating addresses and efficiency for routing traffic. The IPv6 128-bit address is divided along 16-bit boundaries. Each 16-but block is then converted to a 4-digit hexadecimal number, separated by colons. The resulting representation is called colon-hexadecimal. This is in contrast to the 32-bit IPv4 address represented in dotted-decimal format, divided along 8-bit boundaries, and then converted to its decimal equivalent, separated by periods. The following example shows a 128-bit IPv6 address in binary form: 0010000111011010000000001101001100000000000000000010111100111011 0000001010101010000000001111111111111110001010001001110001011010 The following example shows this same address divided along 16-bit boundaries: 0010000111011010 0000000011010011 0000000000000000 00101111001110110000001010101010 0000000011111111 1111111000101000 1001110001011010 The following example shows each 16-bit block in the address converted to hexadecimal and delimited with colons. 21DA:00D3:0000:2F3B:02AA:00FF:FE28:9C5A IPv6 representation can be further simplified by removing the leading zeros within each 16-bit block. However, each block must have at least a single digit. The following example shows the address without the leading zeros: Javascript:CodeSnippet_CopyCode(CodeSnippetContainerCode3); 21DA:D3:0:2F3B:2AA:FF:FE28:9C5A Binary in describing class A, B and C IP addresses The class of the address determines which part belongs to the network address and which part belongs to the node address. All nodes on a given network share the same network prefix but must have a unique host number. Class A Network binary address start with 0, therefore the decimal number can be anywhere from 1 to 126. The first 8 bits (the first octet) identify the network and the remaining 24 bits indicate the host within the network. An example of a Class A IP address is, where 102 identifies the network and 168.212.226 identifies the host on that network. Class B Network binary addresses start with 10, therefore the decimal number can be anywhere from 128 to 191. (The number 127 is reserved for loopback and is used for internal testing on the local machine.) The first 16 bits (the first two octets) identify the network and the remaining 16 bits indicate the host within the network. An example of a Class B IP address is where 168.212 identifies the network and 226.204 identifies the host on that network. Class C Network binary addresses start with 110, therefore the decimal number can be anywhere from 192 to 223. The first 24 bits (the first three octets) identify the network and the remaining 8 bits indicate the host within the network. An example of a Class C IP address is where 200.168.212 identifies the network and 226 identifies the host on that network. Hexadecimal for addressing memory Memory addresses are displayed as two hex numbers. An example is C800:5. The part to the left of the colon (C800) is called the segment address, and the part to the right of the colon (5) is called the offset. The offset value can have as many as four hex digits. The actual memory address is calculated by adding a zero to the right of the segment address and adding the offset value, like this: C800:5 = C8000 + 5 = C8005 C8005 is called as the absolute or linear address of the memory. Similarly F000:FFFD can be computed to get the following memory address. F0000 + FFFD FFFFD or 1,048,573(decimal) The Segment: Offset addressing was introduced at a time when the largest register in a CPU was only 16-bits long which meant it could address only 65,536 bytes (64 KB) of memory, directly. But everyone was hungry for a way to run much larger programs! Rather than create a CPU with larger register sizes (as some CPU manufacturers had done), the designers at Intel decided to keep the 16-bit registers for their new 8086 CPU and added a different way to access more memory: They expanded the instruction set, so programs could tell the CPU to group two 16-bit registers together whenever they needed to refer to an Absolute memory location beyond 64 KB. Classless Inter Domain Routing Classless Inter Domain Routing. CIDR was invented several years ago to keep the internet from running out of IP addresses. The classful system of allocating IP addresses is very wasteful. Anyone who could reasonably show a need for more that 254 host addresses was given a Class B address block of 65533 host addresses. Even more wasteful were companies and organisations that were allocated Class A address blocks, which contain over 16 Million host addresses! Only a tiny percentage of the allocated Class A and Class B address space has ever been actually assigned to a host computer on the Internet. CIDR specifies an IP address range using a combination of an IP address and its associated network mask. CIDR notation uses the following format where n is the number of (leftmost) 1 bits in the mask. For example, applies the network mask to the 192.168 network, starting at This notation represents the address range Compared to traditional class-based networking, represents an aggregation of the two Class C subnets and each having a subnet mask of In other words, = +

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Identifying factors contributing to high readmission of diabetic patients

Identifying factors contributing to high readmission of diabetic patients INTRODUCTION. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease. Where the blood circulation contain of high sugar level, it can occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces (WHO). Diabetes is a progressive disease that can lead to a significant number of health complications and profoundly reduce quality of life. While many diabetic patients manage the health complication with diet and exercise and require medications to improve uncontrolled blood glucose level. Diabetes has been treatable since insulin became available in 1921, and type 2 diabetes may be controlled with medications. Preeti (2008). Both type 1 and 2 are chronic conditions that usually cannot be cured. Acute complications include hypoglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, or nonketotic hyper osmolar coma. Serious long-term complications include cardiovascular disease, chronic renal failure and retinal damage. Adequate treatment of diabetes is important, to control blood pressure and healthy lifestyle such as smoking cessation and maintaining a body weight. Treatment of diabetes involves diet, exercise, education, and drugs. If people with diabetes strictly control blood sugar levels, complications are less likely to develop. The goal of diabetes treatment, therefore, is to keep blood sugar levels within the normal range as much as possible. Treatment of high blood pressure and cholesterol levels can prevent some of the complications of diabetes as well. A good health education from the medical staff in the ward can give a good condition to patient health and prevent patient from admit again to the ward. The health education in the ward should begin from day 1 patient admit to the ward until the patient discharge from the ward. This health education should not stop when the patient is discharge from the ward but it must be continued from the health community to make sure that the patient is healthy. PROBLEM STATEMENT. General Objective: To identify factors contributing to high readmission of diabetic patients post discharge. 1.2.3 Specific objective. To identify why the patient is not take their medication after discharge from the ward. To study relationship between knowledge and medication to the patient. In Malaysia, the Third National Health and Morbidity Survey showed that the prevalence of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) for adults aged 30Â  years and above was found to be 14.9% in 2006. Salwa et. al., ( 2010). Patients with diabetes should know that how importance their health after they has confirmed have diabetes. Health education to patients and families were given continuously by the nurses when these patients were admitted for stabilization of their DM, from day 1 of admission and continued until they discharged. With proper health education, the patient should be able to take care for them self until follow up in the clinic. The health education must include dietary intake and medication. The talk is given by the nutritionist and medication by clinical pharmacist. Nurses should take part in the dietary and medication talk when the patient attends the talk to ensure the compliance by the patient continuously after they discharge from the ward. In January 2011, there are 4 patient has been readmitted to the male and female medical ward within 2 weeks after discharged from the ward. To prevent from this admission, health education should be given continuously to the patients either in the ward or by the community health care provider when the patient is discharge from the hospital. CHAPTER 2 2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW. The literature review has been searched from internet. Diabetes mellitus is now a major global public health problem. The incidence and prevalence of diabetes are escalating especially developing and newly industrialized nations. In Malaysia, diabetes is a growing concern. Through the Ministry of Healths six year thematic Healthy Lifestyle Campaign which began in 1991, diabetes mellitus was the theme for the year 1995. Here, the promotion of adopting healthy lifestyle practices relating to the prevention of diabetes namely creating awareness and balance diet, maintain ideal body weight and physical activities were encouraged. The campaign emphasized on creating, awareness of the disease and its complications to the public. Rugayah ( 2007) According to Zook (1980). Hospitalizations account for about half of all health care expenses, and it has been estimated that 20% of the inpatients in Malaysia and 13% in the USA use more than half of all hospital resources through repeated admissions. During past decades, hospital readmissions have been the subject of retrospective surveys and prospective trials with a view to their prevention. The objective is to review these studies and focus on the frequency of readmissions of diabetes mellitus patient, their causes and validity as a measure of quality of care, and the attempts for their prevention. The recent literature on hospital readmissions and found that most of them are believed to be caused by patient frailty and progression of chronic disease. However, from 11% to 52% of all readmissions have been judged to be preventable because they were associated with indicators of substandard care during the hospitalization, such as poor resolution of the main problem, unstable therapy at discharge, and inadequate post discharge care and advice. Furthermore, randomized prospective trials have shown that 15% to 85% of all readmissions can be prevented by patient education, pre discharge assessment, and domiciliary aftercare. However, high readmission rates of patients with diabetes mellitus may identify quality-of-care problems. A focus on the specific needs of such patients may lead to the creation of more responsive health care systems for the chronically ill. Most complications are the result of problems with blood vessels. High sugar levels over a long time cause narrowing of both the small and large blood vessels. The narrowing reduces blood flow to many parts of the body, leading to problems. There are several causes of blood vessel narrowing. Complex sugar-based substances build up in the walls of small blood vessels, causing them to thicken and leak. Poor control of blood sugar levels also tends to cause the levels of fatty substances in the blood to rise, resulting in atherosclerosis. Poor circulation to the skin can lead to ulcers and infections and causes wounds to heal slowly. People with diabetes are particularly likely to have ulcers and infections of the feet and legs. Too often, these wounds heal slowly or not at all, and amputation of the foot or part of the leg may be needed. Currently there are at least 4-5 patients will be readmission for stabilization then discharged. Upon admission of a patient, this would cause overpopulation of ward, increase expenses and uncontrolled condition of the patient in the ward. Nurse also must provide health education to the patients, their relative and refer patients to nutritionist and education unit for counseled. Browne (2000) conducted a scientific research on factor for diabetes patient on knowledge and the diabetic drugs for diabetic patients. The major purpose of the research are to identify the important factors for patient compliance in the usage of diabetic drugs, specific knowledge on the action drug, the correct dosage and adverse side effects. . From Browne (2000), noted that only 15% of the patient knows the action of the drug they are consuming, where as 62% of them consume at the right time and 23% of patients gained a proper knowledge on medication or drug that they are consuming. In summary it is concluded that the diabetes patient has the more knowledge and information on the adverse effect of the drug compared to the action of oral hypoglycaemic drugs. According to Ranjini et al,(2003) done a research on knowledge, attitude and practice from patient diabetic at Klinik Kesihatan Seri Manjung, Perak. The findings showed correlation between knowledge, attitude and practice. The finding showed that increases knowledge for patients who have education is better from the patient who does not have any education. Hospitalizations account for about half of all health care expenses, and it has been estimated that 20% of the inpatients in Malaysia and 13% in the USA use more than half of all hospital resources through repeated admissions. Zook et al (1980). For past decades, hospital readmissions have been the subject of retrospective surveys and prospective trials with a view to their prevention. The objective is to review these studies and focus on the frequency of readmissions of diabetes mellitus patient, their causes and validity as a measure of quality of care, and the attempts for their prevention. Soeken et al (1991), done a research on readmission rates according to demographic, social, and disease-related characteristics. Researcher Wray et al (1988), done a meta-analysis of 44 studies published before 1990 revealed that age, length of stay during the index hospitalization, and previous use of hospital resources were among the main independent predictors of readmissions. These findings indicate that patient-specific factors predict readmissions. A study of a national sample of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or dementia revealed that after adjusting for severity and clinical and demographic characteristics, patients discharged to nursing homes were less likely to be readmitted within 30 days after discharge than those discharged to personal homes. According to Comberg et al (1997) Finally, some studies have found an association between readmission rates and inappropriate care during the index hospitalization. A case-control study revealed that 5 criteria of inpatient care (resolution of main problem, adequacy of the post discharge destination, stability of doses of therapy, and appropriate timing of the first follow-up visit) predicted readmissions within 30 days. Ashton et al (1987) Another case-control study found that a set of disease-specific, explicit criteria of appropriateness of care predicted readmissions. It has been suggested that 1 of 7 readmissions in patients with diabetes, 1 of 5 readmissio ns in patients with heart failure, and 1 of 12 readmissions in patients with obstructive lung disease were attributable to substandard care. Absence of documentation of discharge planning, increased temperature, intravenous fluids on the day of discharge, or unaddressed abnormal test results at discharge were related to an increased subsequent mortality. Ashton et al (1997). A meta-analysis of 29 studies published from 1975 through 1993 confirmed that low-quality inpatient care during the index hospitalization increased the risk of subsequent readmissions. Wei et al (1995). At least some readmissions, therefore, are associated with modifiable factors. Readmission rates have been reported to decline after the implementation of pre-discharge reviews and improved follow-up after discharge. Bean et al (1995) However, non-experimental, before-after study designs are subject to confounding and to regression toward the mean. Confounding refers to changes beyond the planned intervention that occurred over time and that in and of themselves may have reduced readmission rates. Regression to the mean is the tendency of above-average rates to fall toward average over time. Since programs aiming to reduce readmission rates are likely to be implemented in institutions with high readmission rates, their favorable results may reflect a decline that would have occurred on subsequent determinations even without any specific interventions. The findings concerning the effect of interventions indicate that improved hospital and post discharge care are associated with fewer readmissions. Still, there is evidence that global readmission rates have a limited value as indicators of quality of care. For example, about half of the studies failed to uncover any relationship between quality of care and readmissions. Ashton et al (1997). In all clinical condition readmission rates of patients who received poor-quality care were similar to those of patients whose care was judged acceptable. Thomas (1996). Similarly, assessed risk-adjusted outcomes after renal failure, gastrointestinal tract hemorrhage, stroke, myocardial infarction, and heart failure and concluded that length of stay, death, and unplanned readmission were predicted mainly by age, severity, and co morbidity. Roe et al (1996). Hospital readmissions raise concern among health care providers, and therefore efforts for their reduction are likely to be endorsed by clinicians and administrators. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction. This is a prospective study. The data is collect from the patient who admitted to the ward. The project was conducted in the one of the district hospital at Negeri Sembilan. Data on diabetes was obtained from adult respondents through interviews by trained nurses using a questionnaires. A 2-hour-post glucose load test was conducted by the nurses to the respondents who self-professed that they were non-diabetics and have not been diagnosed by any, medical personnel. These non-diabetes were measured for their blood glucose level using glucophotometer in a dry non-wipe technique. Those who refused to be examined were classified as refused to be examined and those who could not tolerate glucose due to old age were classified as unable to be examined. For the purpose of analysis in this survey, the respondents were categorized into 3 categories. The known diabetes were the adult respondents who self-professed they were diabetics and diagnosed by medical personnel. Those non-diabetics who had undergone the 2 hour post glucose load test and whose blood glucose measurement level of 11.1 mol/1 or more were categorized as undiagnosed diabetes. Those with blood glucose measurement of 7.8 < 11.1 mmol/1 were classified as impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) The known diabetes were enquired about their treatment status, utilization pattern of health facilities and perceived complications associated with their diabetic condition. 3.2 Research design. This is prospective study. Data will be collected by reviewing medical records and completing a structured data collection sheet. Data including admission diagnosis, the type of medication that patient receive in the ward, sign and symptom of diabetic mellitus, the correct statement for people with diabetic, when the patient feel hypoglycemia, the hypoglycemia condition, and no identifiers such as medical record numbers, patients names and gender will be used on the data collection instrument. In this study it will have a graphs, charts, table and summary. 3.3 Sample size. There is 10 questionnaire was given to diabetic patient in the medical male and medical female ward at the district hospital at Negeri Sembilan. About 30 respondent involved in the interview. 3.3.1 Inclusion i. How many years the patient have diabetes. ii. The patient should understand and can read in Bahasa Melayu or Bahasa English. iii. The age of the patients above 40 years 65 years.. 3.3.2 Exclusion. i. The patient who do not understand and can read in Bahasa Melayu or Bahasa English. Ii For patient who senile or psychiatric patient which they cannot give a cooperation and understand the question during the interview. 3.4 Instrument. There is 10 questionnaire about diabetes are given to the patient in the ward. The patient should give a correct answer when answer the question. There is time frame of the project. It starts from 1st March to 31st March. 2011. There question are divided to part I and part II. There is 8 question on part I where the answer is to choose a, b, c or d. Part II has 3 question where the patient have to choose true or false in the statement. The question adopt from the: Diabetes and Hormone Center of the Pacific Ala Moana Pacific Center 3.5 Ethical Consideration. 2.5.1 Letter from Head of Department, Health Sciencs UiTM to the Hospital Director for the project. Appendic 1 Approval letter from the Hospital Director to the Health Sciences for the project. Appendic 2 2.5.3 Consent from patient, if respondent refused to be interview, the respondent should be droped from this project. Appendic 3. 3.6. Limitation. 2.6.1 Receive late approval letter from the acedemic. 2.6.2 Because this is the distric hospital the total number of admission into the ward is low. 2.6.3 If the patient refused for the interview, the respondent should be droped from the project. 2.6.4 The duration time to collect data from the patients should be finish in one month. CHAPTER 4 4.1 Result . A total number of 40 patients were admitted to the both male and female medical wards from 1st March to 31st March 2011. The gender distribution was 33.33% is female and 66.66% is male. There is 96.7% or 29 of the respondents said that they eat too much of sugar or sweat drink when they are young before they diagnose have diabetes mellitus. The patient was admitted to the ward for stabilization of sugar level. See table 1 Table 1 Frequency Percent Caused by eating too much sugar 29 96.66667 Condition which the body cannot use the food properly 1 3.333333 Total 30 100 About 80% (24) of the respondents have the common symptoms of diabetes such as frequent urination specially at bed time, where they will get up 2 to 3 times to toilet. Hunger and thirsty specially in the morning before lunch time and 20% (6) of the respondents craving for sweets. See table 2 Table 2 Frequency Percent Frequent urination, hunger, thirst 24 80 Craving for sweets 6 20 Total 30 100 70% (21) of the respondents said the following statement is correct for people with diabetes that they should have snacks between-meal. Because they feel hungry and thirsty before they had their lunch in the afternoon or in the evening. They like to had drink and eat some snacks to prevent hunger. See table 3 Table 3 Frequency Percent Everyone with diabetes should have between-meal snacks 21 70 Changes lifestyle (meal, planning, exercise, medication, stress) 4 13.33333 Travelling should avoid taking insulin 5 16.66667 Total 30 100 76.7% (21) patients who take insulin once a day said that they take the breakfast 30 minutes after the insulin injection. It show the patient understand why it is important to take breakfast after the medication to prevent from hypoglycemic attack. See table 4. Table 4 Frequency Percent About 30 minutes before breakfast 23 76.66667 I do not know 7 23.33333 Total 30 100 46.7%(14) of the patients have the symptoms of hypoglycemia attack, 20% (6) have sweating, sudden weakness, 16.7% (5) have trembling or shaking, sudden weakness, and 16.7% (5) have trembling or shaking and sweating. It showed that the symptom is different between each patient. See table 5 Table 5 Frequency Percent 1 and 2 5 16.7 2 and 3 6 20 1 and 3 5 16.7 all of the above 14 46.7 Total 30 100 What is the reaction of the patient if they get hypoglycemic attack, 73.3% (22) of the patients said that they will eat some food that has sugar or chew some sweet to prevent from severe hypoglycemia attack. They will bring along the sweets if they on exercise, working in the farm or they on vacation. See table 6 Table 6. Frequency Percent Ignore it and it will go away 5 16.66667 Eat some food that has sugar 22 73.33333 lie down and see whether it will pass 3 10 Total 30 100 50%(15) of the patients said that confusion is not an indicator of hypoglycemia. Because the patient know about the sign and symptom of the hypoglycemia and they will prevent from get this attack either in the house or out site of their house compound. They will bring some sweets along with them. See table 7. Table 7. Frequency Percent Fatigue 7 23.3 Poor Appetite 7 23.3 Tachycardia 1 3.3 Confusion 15 50 Total 30 100 73.3% (22) patients said that they are allowed to use as much sugar as they want because they use too and lack of knowledge of the diabetes symptom when they are young. All of the respondents (100%) said that they have greater change to get the complications such as hypoglycemic attack from a patient who does not have diabetes. 93.3% (28) patients said if they did not control the blood sugar level there is greater change of infection and illness. The infection will take time to heel. See table 8 Table 8 CHAPTER 5 5.1 Discussion. The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that in the year 2030, Malaysia would have a total of 2.48 million people with diabetes compared to 0.94 millions in 2000. In Malaysia, the First National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS I) conducted in 1986 reported a prevalence of diabetes of 6.3% and in the Second National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS II) in 1996, this had risen to 8.3%. The NHMS I and NHMS II involved subjects above 30 years. The third National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMSIII) conducted between April to July 2006 and included the diabetes module in the survey on subjects above 18 years. Zanariah et al (2008). Diabetic is a costly, disorder. Defining the distribution of specific characteristics among diabetics can assist in the planning, implementing and evaluating diabetic programmers for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention and control of diabetes. In planning of services for diabetes control, equity policies have to be considered. In this study it show that the patients know that they prone to get diabetes because of take a sweet drinks and rich of sugar in their food. When the patient in the ward, the nurse should teach the patient how to do the insulin injection, where are the side of injection and tell the patient that he should change the site of the injection to prevent from boil. The nurse should observe the patient how he syringe out the insulin and how to inject to his body. The nurse should remind the patient about sign and symptom of hypoglycemic attack and the precaution of the disease. The health education should continuously given to the patients from day 1 they admitted until the patient discharge from the ward and continued by the health community by do a home visit to the patient if the patient cannot go to the clinic for follow up. Regarding the diet, health education from the nutritionist and the medication from the clinical pharmacist should be continued since the patient stay in the ward. 5.2 Conclusion. Diabetes prevalence rate in Malaysia has risen much faster than expected, almost double over the last decade. Prevention and control of this chronic disease should be stepped up. Diabetes is certainly a diagnosis that nobody ever wants to receive. There is no cure, but it can be managed through diet, medication and exercise. Having high blood sugar level is out of control, the result in irreparable damage to the body, particularly with the kidneys, cardiovascular and blindness. Health education to patient on how to manage the disease and how to avoid or prolong adverse effects on the body.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Report on Winner-Take-All :: Winner-Take-All Elections Politics Essays

Report on Winner-Take-All "Winner-take-all† is a term used to describe single member district and at large election systems that award seats to the highest vote getters without ensuring fair representation for minority groups. In the United States, these are typically single-member district schemes or at-large, block-voting systems. Under winner-take-all rules, a slim majority of voters can control 100% of seats, leaving everyone else effectively without representation. There's something else troubling about the way we elect presidents--something beyond the personal attacks, the derelict voters and the influence of big money. It is the fact that so many of those who do vote don't have their votes counted. Florida is a good example of what I'm talking about--not because that state turned out to make the decisive difference in this week's election, but because more than 2 million voters--nearly as many as will go to the winning candidate--had no say in the outcome. All of Florida's 25 electoral votes will go to the other guy. That's the unavoidable consequence of the winner-take-all system that prevails in all the states. At the end, of course, any contest for a single office is a winner-take-all affair. But why should it be that way in the states? Why should more than a million-and-a-half California supporters of George W. Bush see all 54 of the state's electoral votes go to Al Gore? In short, what is wrong with apportioning each state's electoral votes in accordance with the way the state's electorate voted? A better question, no doubt, is why not ditch the electoral college system altogether and go to direct elections? Politicians as different as Franklin D. Roosevelt and Richard Nixon backed a constitutional amendment to have all the states go to a proportional system. Obviously, nothing came of the proposals. It's probably because the political party that would be favored in a winner-take-all state is usually the party that runs the state. The party with the power to change the system has no incentive for doing so. It is not the sole fact that votes get wasted that bothers me. There is much more to it. Bush hardly campaigned at all in New York--and for the same reason that Gore neglected Idaho, Wyoming and Alaska: His opponent had the states locked up, along with 100 percent of their electoral votes. Indeed, Bush was criticized by some GOP strategists for wasting time and resources campaigning in California.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

jesus, the business man :: essays research papers

Purpose/Vision: To restore salvation to a lost world. Background Information: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). The earth was His vision, His company. He invented everything in the earth and the placed a man and a woman in charge of the business. Their duties, at the time, included naming the animals and multiplying the population with their seed. Although God had a plan for the way he wanted His company run, the people He put in charge had their own agendas. They rebelled against the owner and tried to take over the business. Due to the insubordinate nature of His employees, He terminated their positions and hired other workers. From then on, under the supervision of different men, the fate of the company went down hill. Money and agricultural profits were at a loss, and the values that the employees once had, decreased with each successor. After seeing His business gradually decline from it's original standpoint, God took up a partnership with His Son, Jesus. He sent Jesus into the world to restore the company back to it's original purpose. Knowing the He needed a qualified staff under Him, Jesus employed twelve men to work with him. Chain of Command: Level 1-Owners: God, Jesus, (Holy Ghost-Silent Partner) Level 2-Supervisors: Peter, Paul, John Level 3-Employees: James, Andrew, Phillip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, Lebbaeus, Simon, Judas Employee Qualifications: 1. Must already be employed * Matthew- tax collector (2:14) * Simon- fisherman (1:16) * Andrew- fisherman (1:16) * James- fisherman (1:19) * John- fisherman (1:19) 2. Must be willing to leave everything and relocate * "And immediately He called them and they left their father, Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants and went after Him" (1:20). Services: Healing Ministries: * Sickness and Fevers: "Simon's wife's mother lay sick with a fever and they told Him about her at once. So He came and took her by the hand and lifted her up and immediately the fever left her" (1:31). * Leprosy: "As soon as He had spoken, immediately the leprosy left him, and he was cleansed" (1:42). * Withered Hands: "He said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." And he stretched it out and his hand was restored whole as the other" (3:5). * Demon Possession: "Then they came to Jesus, and saw the one who had been demon-possessed and had the legion, sitting and clothed and in his right mind" (5:15). * Issues of Blood: "And He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction" (5:34). jesus, the business man :: essays research papers Purpose/Vision: To restore salvation to a lost world. Background Information: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). The earth was His vision, His company. He invented everything in the earth and the placed a man and a woman in charge of the business. Their duties, at the time, included naming the animals and multiplying the population with their seed. Although God had a plan for the way he wanted His company run, the people He put in charge had their own agendas. They rebelled against the owner and tried to take over the business. Due to the insubordinate nature of His employees, He terminated their positions and hired other workers. From then on, under the supervision of different men, the fate of the company went down hill. Money and agricultural profits were at a loss, and the values that the employees once had, decreased with each successor. After seeing His business gradually decline from it's original standpoint, God took up a partnership with His Son, Jesus. He sent Jesus into the world to restore the company back to it's original purpose. Knowing the He needed a qualified staff under Him, Jesus employed twelve men to work with him. Chain of Command: Level 1-Owners: God, Jesus, (Holy Ghost-Silent Partner) Level 2-Supervisors: Peter, Paul, John Level 3-Employees: James, Andrew, Phillip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, Lebbaeus, Simon, Judas Employee Qualifications: 1. Must already be employed * Matthew- tax collector (2:14) * Simon- fisherman (1:16) * Andrew- fisherman (1:16) * James- fisherman (1:19) * John- fisherman (1:19) 2. Must be willing to leave everything and relocate * "And immediately He called them and they left their father, Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants and went after Him" (1:20). Services: Healing Ministries: * Sickness and Fevers: "Simon's wife's mother lay sick with a fever and they told Him about her at once. So He came and took her by the hand and lifted her up and immediately the fever left her" (1:31). * Leprosy: "As soon as He had spoken, immediately the leprosy left him, and he was cleansed" (1:42). * Withered Hands: "He said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." And he stretched it out and his hand was restored whole as the other" (3:5). * Demon Possession: "Then they came to Jesus, and saw the one who had been demon-possessed and had the legion, sitting and clothed and in his right mind" (5:15). * Issues of Blood: "And He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction" (5:34).

The Custom Woodworking Company Case Study Essay -- Project Management

Table of Contents I. Introduction 3 II. Custom Woodworking Company Corporate Profile 3 III. Opportunity 4 IV. Project Concepts 5 V. Case Study Proposal 5 VI. Project Processes and Knowledge Areas 6 VII. Project Planning 7 VIII. Quality 8 IX. Cost Estimating 9 X. Risk Identification and Management 10 XI. Facility Startup and Project Closeout 11 XII. Conclusion 12 XIII. Bibliography 13â€Æ' I. Introduction The Custom Woodworking Company (CWC) was founded in 1954 by Ron â€Å"Woody† Carpenter. Woody, after an apprenticeship as a cabinet maker, started his own small woodworking business, specializing in furniture manufacturing. Due to the high quality of the craftsmanship, CWC gained a reputation for their high quality and attractively designed furniture. Since that time, CWC has grown in to a successful mid-size organization, providing several lines of furniture to wholesalers and retail centers, as well as producing and supplying cabinets for residential construction contractors. Throughout the years, CWC has steadily prospered and has created a loyal staff and work force. John Carpenter, Woody’s son, has recently joined the CWC team after completing business degree. Under his strong guidance, CWC has moved into the commercial construction industry, supplying and installing countertops, cabinets, and other fixtures in commercial developments. CWC currently possesses a high reputation for supplying millwork to the construction industry. II. Custom Woodworking Company Corporate Profile Location: Someplace, NY Business: Furniture manufacturing, ... ...ovartis Foundation for Sustainable Development (2013). Project Management Handbook A Working Tool for Project Managers. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 20 April 2014]. PMBOK, (2013). A guide to the project management body of knowledge : (PMBOK guide). 5th ed. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute, Inc.. Project Management Institute (PMI) (2013). Project Management Professional (PMP) Handbook. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 20 April 2014]. Wideman, M., (1993). Project Management Case Study The Custom Woodworking Company - Woody 2000 Project. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 24 April 2014].

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Women and Art

All art is political. Every slap of paint on canvass, every sculpture, every graffiti, drawing, and so on is a product of another individual's particular sentiment, ideology and persuasion. Every work serves as an arbitrary reflection or extension of the artist or individual who created it. All art is able to evoke and communicate the aforementioned ideology and persuasion of its artist, whether or not the artist in question explicitly intended to do so. As far as the politics of art and conveying meanings and messages are concerned, however, women, it would appear, are often on the receiving end of conceptual constructions or deconstructions, and general influences necessarily afforded by society, culture, and art. And no art form is capable of eliciting the most influence and affecting generally accepted social constructs and norms, than that of advertising. Of course, while most hardly regard advertising as an art form, but instead a field or medium which peddles products and ideologies through art, which is one aspect of it; the manner by which advertising makes use of art is perhaps, to a certain convoluted degree, one of the most crude but simultaneously honest as well. Honest because its audience, or the general public on the receiving end of such art are aware of its intentions, aware of its function to peddle or sell whatever product, philosophy or worldview they are tasked to peddle at the moment. Unfortunately, this awareness doesn't always translate to lack of vulnerability and unaffectedness on people's part. As previously mentioned, women are often on the receiving end of influences and constructs, as far as characteristics, roles, and unavoidably, stereotypes of the supposed weaker sex are concerned. In recent years, the prescribed image of what a woman is: how she should look, should feel, should think, should necessarily conduct, behave, engage, and apply herself within the family, other social institutions, and society at large is greatly dictated and shaped by commercial advertisements present in television, the radio, magazines, the internet, newspapers, and virtually the whole of mass media. While the stereotypical view that women are generally emotional and fragile has ceased to become breaking news, similar concepts and standards of what a woman is persists through commercial advertisements. Advertisements which define women based on her physical parts, as opposed to her ideas, convictions, what she has the capacity for, and what she can actually do, how she works, and a myriad other things which comprise her as a human being. In commercial ads for clothes, perfumes, accessories, and so on, for instance, the aesthetic is given the highest regard, and women are reduced to the crudeness of waist lines, bust sizes, and weight, among other things. While one could argue that the opposite sex are also on the receiving end of such attacks on identity and gender, and that the same premise applies to men; the prescribed standards and social constructs on women are far more predominant and palpable as evident in every magazine cover, billboard, and television commercial which runs in public view on a daily basis. It also appears especially and particularly evident in the images which follow, images which appear in public view across the globe under the heading of advertising. It doesn't take a radical feminist perspective to realize and be conscious of the reality that something is infinitely wrong and contrived with the way women are being defined and depicted in advertising. Advertising not only coaxes peple into buying prodcuts they supposedly need, it also influences and conditions views regarding normalcy and what should and should not be deemed acceptable, in terms of how people should look, think, and behave in society. Women in turn, are encouraged, if not obliged to be beautiful, to assume the â€Å"responsibility† of being aesthetically pleasing by losing weight, having smooth skin, full lips, big breasts, however fake or artificial, in order to fit into the mold of what advertising deems â€Å"beautiful,† which every â€Å"normal† woman is expected to assume and become. Both the stereotypical domestic housewife and working career woman are affected and subjected to society's concept of the ideal woman. Despite the manner by which some form of art, mainly photography in advertising, affords a view of women which serves to demean and disparage them, there exists other art forms which depart, if not, largely contradict the contrived ideology and perspective that was previously discussed concerning women. Such opposite, and perhaps, positive constructs and view on women are evident in the philosophy and art of Barbara Kruger. The American artist famous for her conceptual art which weaves and incorporates words and images together in seeming subversive and opinionated collages affords individuals who view her art, a refreshing perspective on relevant social constructs which affect every individual. Kruger's art interestingly comes across as the negation of commercial advertising. What she evokes and communicates through her art is the presence of social constructs which exists and abounds inescapably in the society we live in and belong to. Kruger presents these constructs and creates satirical or mock interpretations of the realities which every individual is immersed in. Kruger's perspective on what constitutes a woman is made evident in her collages and illustrations which depict women, for instance, incapacitated by pins stuck across their body, concluded by an ironic message written in bold text in the middle of the illustration which pronounces, â€Å"We have received orders not to move† (Untitled 1982). And another of a woman's face split vertically in two parts, one perfectly distinct and ideal, and the other muted in negative art, aptly entitled, â€Å"Your Body Is A Battleground. † Kruger's photographs and illustrations present social constructs in a tone and platform which effectively conveys her aim to deconstruct them. The manner by which Barbara Kruger's art differs from that which is presented in advertising exists in the reality that Kruger, as an artist, and as a woman is communicating and expressing an extension of herself, her ideals and perspective on women and how they are portrayed are translated into the aforementioned art forms, whereas commercial advertisements are products of a market which intends to peddle an â€Å"ideal† version of women, one which exists as a facade, and in less organic and realistic forms. Ultimately, as Barbara Kruger has already aptly put it, every woman's body is a battleground, women should not only be aware of the roles, standards and definitions being set regarding who or what a woman should be, but also take necessary steps in challenging and breaking free from these constructs. If not for every woman's sake, then for individuality, and the preservation of it.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Legal Ethics in Singapore

Legal Ethics Laws, regulations and codes of conduct attempts to define standards of behaviour for lawyers in society. They form an important part of the jurisdiction’s regulatory process. These laws and codes of conduct demand a certain standard in which legal professionals should adhere to in their professional and private lives. It also represents a standard of ethical behaviour defined by legislators and professional bodies. In Singapore, there are a number of primary sources of legal ethics. The following are the main sources of legal ethics: * The Legal Profession Act Subsidiary legislation * Practice directions from the courts * Practice directions form the Law Society * Judicial decisions and opinions on legal ethics Lawyers are bound to these laws and regulation and must adhere to them diligently so as to not straw away from ethical behaviour or to a harsher extent of being banned from practising law in Singapore. In essence, a lawyer’s duty can be categorized i nto two main groups. They are the lawyers (I) duty to the court and (ii) duty to the client. The tables below explain briefly, the various duties lawyers have to the court and to their clients. Lawyer’s duty to the Court Duty | Explanation| Truthfulness in Court| – Rule 2(2) A Professional Conduct Rules- Must not mislead the court| Responsibility to Client’s Conduct| – Responsible for client’s conduct and representation of the case| Honoring Undertaking to the Court| – A Lawyer’s word must be his bond| Respect for the Court| – Lawyer’ conduct must be consistent with standing, dignity & authority of the court | Responsibility in Assisting Administrative Justice| – Lawyers are officers of the court| Lawyer’s duty to the Client Duty | Explanation| Honesty| – Honesty in all dealings with the client| Diligence & Competence| – Lawyer is expected to exercise necessary skills and diligently apply himself to the case| Confidentiality| – Obligation to maintain confidentiality of all communication between him and client| Conflict of Interest| – Lawyer’s conduct must not be influenced by personal or private interests| A lawyer’s challenge is to balance his responsibilities to assist the court with his duty to look after the best interest of his client. In essence, his duty to the administration of justice is weighed higher than the duty he has to his client. However, it brings about a concern for lawyers when defending their clients. This can be seen in situations in where a lawyer has to exercise his judgement in introducing evidence to the court. If the lawyer does not exercise his judgement in the favour of the court, he is putting his client at a disadvantage. Therefore it is extremely important that a lawyer does adhere to his duty to the court without compromising the position or case of his in any way for it to be advantageous for all parties.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Independent Regulatory Commissions

Independent regulatory commissions are essentially boards and agencies with ties to the government, but entirely separate from the policy making process in order to achieve unbiased information and effective results. They are formed and given power by Congress to regulate a specific industry. Within specific authority granted by Congress, these regulatory commissions have the power to form and enforce their own regulations upon industry. Agencies like the FCC (Federal Communications commission) were created to help regulate the private sector. In 1934 Congress passed the Communications Act, which abolished the Federal Radio Commission and transferred jurisdiction over radio licensing to a new Federal Communications Commission. The FCC’s main mission and obligation is to â€Å"make available so far as possible, to all the people of the United States, without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex, rapid, efficient, Nation-wide, and world-wide wire and radio communication services with adequate facilities at reasonable charges. As stated by the legislation of the Communications Act it states that the FCC was created â€Å"for the purpose of the national defense† and â€Å"for the purpose of promoting safety of life and property through the use of wire and radio communications. Putting the FCC in charge of radio broadcasting and communications regulation our government should be able to get an accurate and unbiased report. Many of today’s regulatory commissions wer e created to be outside the power of both the president and the Congress in their operations. While these committees do get their power through the political process and legislation passed by congress, they operate and act with minimal ties to the national government. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is another one of these agencies. The FAA is an agency of the United States Department of Transportation with authority to regulate and oversee all aspects of civil aviation in the U. S. The FAA’s major roles include regulating U. S. commercial space transportation, regulating air navigation facilities' geometry and Flight inspection standards, encouraging and developing civil aeronautics, including new aviation technology, issuing, suspending, or revoking pilot certificates, regulating civil aviation to promote safety, especially through local offices called Flight Standards District Offices, eveloping and operating a system of air traffic control and navigation for both civil and military aircraft, researching and developing the National Airspace System and civil aeronautics, and developing and carrying out programs to control aircraft noise and other environmental effects of civil aviation. These regulatory commissions are an important part in overseeing our government’s actions. Government Corporation The Federal Government owned corporations are a separate set of corporations funded and owned by the Federal Government, which operate to provide publ ic services. But unlike the federal agencies, they have a separate legal personality from the Federal Government, providing the highest level of political independence. They sometimes receive Federal budgetary appropriations, but some also have other independent sources of revenue. An example of this is the United States postal Service. The United States Postal Service (USPS) is an agency of the United States government responsible for providing postal service in the United States. It is one of the few government agencies explicitly authorized by the United States Constitution. Independent Executive Agency Most independent executive agencies are established through separate statutes passed by the Congress, each providing a necessary statutory grant of authority that defines the goals the agency must work towards. These agency rules and regulations, while in force, have the power of federal law. Most executive agencies have a single director, administrator, or secretary who is head of the department. This leadership selection is at the will of the President. A god example of an independent executive agency is the CIA. The Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) min job is to coordinate the intelligence activities of certain government departments and agencies, collect, correlate, and evaluate intelligence information relating to national security, and make recommendations to the United States National Security Council within the Executive Office of the President.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Taming the shrew

In a Rom-Com characters and staging can be very important as an audience will usually expect a main and sub plot. In act 5 scene 2 this is shown by the fact that the two main characters Petruichio and Katrina, the two main sub-characters Bianca and Lucientio and two of the sub characters Hortensio and the Widow-who is a new character- and all main characters from both plots are in one room,-which shows the importance of this scene. -talking and celebrating. The women then leave which shows that the men are now the most important characters of the moment. The limelight then shifts to each man in turn. – Petruichio, Hortensio, Lucientio, and Baptista, before moving on to the servants. When the women return, the limelight brings Katrina's character to centre stage, whilst also bringing Bianca's and the Widow's shame to light. The way Shakespeare has structured the play is so that that the focus of the audience is never on one person or persons for any sustained amount of time. This allows the audience t experience the play from multiple characters point of view. This is done to illustrate how different males and female are as social groups; Shakespeare then uses Katrina as a pivotal character to bring the male and female groups together. There are various themes throughout the play; there was however two main themes, being marriage and appearance versus reality, both of which are split into several sub-themes. The sub-themes for marriage include Language-being the frequent use of sexual innuendos such as the common use of the words â€Å"head, horn† and â€Å"butt†-and consummation. shown when Petruichio asks Katrina to bed. The sub-theme for appearance versus reality disguise and deception, the main plot of this theme is disguise of language and appearance- Petruichio disguises his language to tame Katrina, and Lucientio and Tranio use physical disguises so that Lucientio can woo Bianca. The end of the play is quite interesting as Shakespeare sexual innuendos and puns to lighten the mood and to create a merry atmosphere. Read this – Puns in the Importance There is also the mentioning of hunting â€Å"O sir, Lucientio slipped me like his greyhound, Which runs himself and catches for his master† which is used as an analogy for wooing the women as well as the wager, â€Å"Let's each one send onto his wife, and he whose wife is most obedient to come at first when he doth send for her shall win the wager which we will propose† that ends in the most unexpected outcome; When the wager is resolved Katrina begins her monologue which includes similes twinned with alliteration. â€Å"It blots thy beauty as frosts do bite the meads†-which means frowning can spoil a woman's beauty but also uses alliteration to make the similes effect more profound-as well as lists, repetition, â€Å"Thy husband is thy lord, thy life thy keeper, thy head thy sovereign, one that cares for us† commands, † Come, come, you froward and unable worms â€Å"and rhetorical questions. â€Å"What is she but a foul contending rebel and graceless traitor to her loving lord? † The language of the speech dampens the mood, which is then lifted by light jesting at the end. In conclusion I would say that Taming the Shrew fits with most Rom-Coms but does however differ in many ways; the main discrepancies are the problem of not knowing whether the main couple is happy or not, as well as the introduction of a new character in the final scene and the fact that the final speech which is usually given by a male and is normally inviting and merry not witty, cynical, sarcas tic and critical.